YEMEN Press Agency

Several Saudi soldiers injured in Taiz

TAIZ, Aug. 27 (YPA) – A number of Saudi soldiers accompanying the head of the coalition-formed “Presidential Leadership Council”, Rashad Al-Alimi, were injured on Tuesday, upon his arrival in the city of Taiz, southern Yemen.

Sources familier with the matter reported that the Saudi soldiers were injured in an accident when one of the Saudi armored vehicles accompanying Al-Alimi had overturned before he entered the city of Taiz.

The sources indicated that one of the soldiers is in critical health condition.
Al-Alimi arrived in Taiz city on board a Saudi military armored vehicle amidst extreme fear that prevented him from appearing to a number of citizens who had lined up in some areas.

Several activists in Taiz mocked Al-Alimi’s shameful appearance through a small opening on top of the Saudi armored vehicle among the people of his provinces, describing his appearance as weak and shameful.