YEMEN Press Agency

Noa Argamani denies allegations of abuse by Al-Qassam Brigades

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Aug. 23 (YPA) – Noa Argamani, a former Israeli female soldier who was imprisoned by the resistance, said that the Hebrew media distorted her statements and denied that she had been beaten by members of the Al-Qassam Brigades.

She stated that the Israeli media misrepresented her words, insisting that she was not beaten by Hamas fighters, but she has bruises resulted from the Israeli strikes.

In a post on her Instagram page, Argamani addressed the recent media coverage: “I can’t ignore what happened in the media over the past 24 hours. Things were taken out of context.”

She was referring to reports in Israeli media claiming she had said she was beaten all over her body during her captivity.

Argamani clarified, saying, “I was not beaten, and my hair was not cut. I was in a building that was bombed by the [Israeli] Air Force. The accurate quote is: ‘This past weekend, after the shooting, as I said, I had cuts all over my head and was injured all over my body.’”

She emphasized that her injuries resulted from the collapse of the structure on her, not from any physical assault by the resistance fighters.

Argamani concluded her post by asserting, “I won’t allow myself to become a victim once again, this time by the media.”

She was one of four hostages rescued by the occupation forces in a daytime raid on two houses in the Nuseirat refugee camp in which hundreds of Palestinians were killed.


