YEMEN Press Agency

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi reveals fate of Israeli-linked ships bombed in Red Sea

SANAA, Aug. 22 (YPA) – Leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, revealed the fate of one of ships that has been targeted by the Yemeni armed forces this week.

In his weekly speech on the latest developments in Palestine and the region on Thursday, Sayyed Abdul-Malik, said a ship, which has been bombed by the Yemeni armed forces this week, was broken down and swept away by the waves, noting the ship was targeted after it had tried to violate the decision to ban entry to Israeli enemy’s ports.

The leader al-Houthi confirmed that the operations of the support front in Yemen this week also has been carried out with 21 ballistic missiles, a drone and a naval boat.

He announced that the number of ships targeted since the beginning of the Yemeni support operations in the Battle of the Promised Victory and the Holy Jihad due to their connection to the Israeli enemy and their violation of the embargo decision, has reached 182.

“This number is significant and large despite the diversion of the course of most ships from the Indian Ocean and from the far Indian Ocean,” Sayyed al-Houthi stated. “There are still active operations that have a clear impact on the enemy at the economic level, including the complete disruption and closure of the Umm al-Rashrash port, (Elite City).”

On Wednesday, the UK Maritime Trade Operations announced that it received a report of a new ship being targeted 57 nautical miles south of the Yemeni city of Aden, while another ship was about 77 nautical miles sinking west of Hodeida.