YEMEN Press Agency

President Mahdi Al-Mashat affirms Yemen’s support for Lebanon in facing “Israeli” threat

SANAA, Aug. 15 (YPA) -The head of the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a, Mahdi Al-Mashat, sent a congratulatory message to Lebanon, addressed to its people, army, and Resistance, on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of its victory in the July 2006 war against Israeli aggression.

“With great joy, we congratulate the brotherly nation of Lebanon—its state, people, army, and resistance—on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the historic victory in the 2006 war against the “Israeli” enemy,” Mahdi Al-Mashat said in the message.

Al-Mashat added, ” The historic victory achieved by the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon in 2006 will remain a beacon for all liberation movements”.

“The bitterness of defeat that the “Israeli” enemy tasted is still present in their current confrontation, as they submit to the equations of power and are unable to expand the scope of the war.”

“The “Israeli” enemy realizes that the Islamic Resistance today is stronger than it was in the past,” he underlined.

Al-Mashat concluded it message by saying, “We salute the heroic deeds of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, its immense sacrifices, and all the forces participating in the support of Gaza. We reaffirm Yemen’s support for Lebanon in facing the “Israeli” threat.”

