YEMEN Press Agency

UNRWA: The displacement in Gaza does not end, 84% of the Strip is under evacuation orders

GAZA, Aug. 13 (YPA) – The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) confirmed that displacement in the Gaza Strip never ends, as about 84% of the Strip, equivalent to 305 square kilometers, has been placed under evacuation orders issued by Zionist enemy forces.

UNRWA said in a blog post on its official page on the “X” platform on Tuesday, that “People are fleeing for their lives, taking with them what they can carry, leaving everything else behind, they are also exhausted and cannot find a safe place for them to go.”

For his part, Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza, Scott Anderson, said, “You can literally smell blood in the air,” noting that the horrific conditions in Gaza’s hospitals, which suffer from shortages acute supply of necessary medical supplies.”

Anderson noted that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is man-made 100%, and humans can terminate it.”