YEMEN Press Agency

STC factions prevent citizens from reaching Mukalla to participate in protest rally

HADRAMOUT, Aug. 13 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions suppressed on Tuesday peaceful protests denouncing the collapse of services in the coastal districts of Hadramout province, eastern Yemen.

Informed sources in the province reported that the so-called “Hadrami Elite forces,” with the participation of armed men from the Rabwah camp, suppressed citizens coming from the eastern regions to participate in the protest rally called for by the “Hadramout Inclusive Conference,” at the entrance to the city of Mukalla, the center of the province.

The head of the “Hadramout Conference” in Al-Deis Al-Sharqiya area, Adel Al-Siba’i, indicated in a video recorded that the “Hadrami Elite” prevented 14 buses from moving to transport the participants and threatened the drivers.

Al-Siba’i stated that he decided to suspend participation in the event held in Mukalla and limit its implementation in the district.

Activists from the people of Hadramout circulated a document issued by “the Command and Control Department” in Hadramout directed all coastal districts to prevent any movement of participants towards the city of Mukalla, whether armed or civilians, at all points created, and prohibit walking around with weapons in the districts.

They considered the suppression of citizens and preventing them from participating in the protest as a dangerous precedent for limiting the fulfillment of the legitimate demands of the people of Hadramout.