YEMEN Press Agency

Belgium: Preventing humanitarian aid from Gaza is a “war crime”

SANAA, Aug. 12 (YPA) – Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation, Caroline Guenez, described denying humanitarian aid to civilians in the Gaza Strip, including children, a “war crime.”

This came in a post on the “X” platform, on Monday, in response to the call of Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, who demanded the cessation of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Guinness pointed out that such calls undermine the chances of achieving a peaceful solution and threaten the security of both Palestinians and Israelis.

On Sunday, in an interview with the Israeli newspaper Maariv, Ben Gvir called for encouraging the migration of Palestinians from Gaza by occupying their lands, instead of seeking a ceasefire agreement or exchanging prisoners with Hamas.

He said: “If we occupy lands in the Gaza Strip and stop the entry of fuel and encourage voluntary migration, we can finally achieve a complete victory.”