YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa court sentences 11 accused of assassinating al-Houthi

SANAA, Aug. 11 (YAP) – Sanaa-based Specialized Criminal Division considered on Sunday the completed case regarding the 11 defendants in the assassination of Ibrahim al-Houthi.

In a first session, which was held by Judge Abdullah Ali al-Najjar, convicted ten of the defendants in the kidnapping and killing of the two martyred victims, Ibrahim Badr al-Din al-Houthi and Mohammed Hussein al-Badr, intentionally and aggressively, in addition to communicating with the Saudi aggressor state with the intent to harm the political and military position of the Republic of Yemen.

The court sentenced Fahd Abdullah Abdul Jalil al-Hasani to death, and Abdul Hafeez Rashid Hussein al-Suhaimi, Nasser Ahmed Mohammad al-Mashmali, Mazen Ahmed Mahyoub Abdullah al-Sawai, and Hussein Mohammed Ali Qaid al-Dawi, received a ten year prison sentence.

The verdict also sentenced both Adnan Ali Hadi Ali Marsh, Bassam Abdo Mohammed Ahmed Al-Mahbashi, Khaled Ali Qaid Hussein Al-Dawi, Emad Al-Din Abdul Aziz Rajih Ali Al-Haddad, and Najib Ezzi Maan Mohammed Ghaleb, to five years in prison, in addition to Fouad Noman Mahboub Al-Aghbari was acquitted due to imperfect evidence.