YEMEN Press Agency

Tribal sheikhs accuse Hadramout’s governor of torturing citizens

HADRAMOUT, Aug. 10 (YPA) – A number of sheikhs from Hadramout province, eastern Yemen, on Saturday accused the governor loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, Mabkhout bin Madi, of being behind the torture of citizens in a number of the province’s districts.

A number of tribal sheikhs in Al-Rayda, Qusayr, Al-Deis Al-Sharqiya, and Al-Shihr areas accused bin Madi of being behind the power outage in their areas from dawn today until the evening, because of their positions in support of the “Hadramout Tribal Alliance.”

The sheikhs participating in the sit-in camp near the Masila oil field considered the power outage for long hours without any declared technical defect to be collective punishment by the local authorities against citizens.

Yesterday, Friday, the Hadramout tribal alliance was able to recover 200,000 liters of diesel seized by influential persons within the allocations granted to coastal power stations during the past months.