YEMEN Press Agency

Amaliqa brigades militants detain officials loyal to coalition in west of Taiz

TAIZ, Aug. 04 (YPA) – Gunmen in Amaliqa factions of the UAE detained, on Sunday, a number of officials loyal to the coalition at one of the points located west of Taiz governorate.

Informed sources in the region said, “Members of the Fourth Amaliqa Brigade detained the Taiz governorate’s representative for coastal affairs, affiliated with the coalition, Rashad Al-Aqhali, on the outskirts of Hais region, along with the committee charged with inspecting the flood damage in some Maqbanah areas”.

The sources added that the militants of the Giants took off Al-Aqhali and another official named Hamid Al-Khalidi, who was appointed by the coalition as director of Maqbanah directorate, from the cars by force of arms, amid an attempt to arrest their companions.

The sources attributed the detention of coalition officials and a committee of evaluating the damage caused by torrential rains to averbal altercation between Al-Khalidi and the gunmen at the point.

The “Giants” members detained the officials for hours amid futile attempts to let them pass, the sources explained.