YEMEN Press Agency

Statistics of Zionist genocidal war crimes on Gaza Strip during 300 days

GAZA, Aug. 01 (YPA) – The Palestinian Government Media Office published on Thursday an update of the most important statistics of the genocidal war waged by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip for the 300th consecutive day.

The statistical statement stated that during the 300 days since the start of the genocidal war waged by the Israeli occupation army on Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and under the full sponsorship of the American administration and the western countries, the occupation committed 3,457 massacres that claimed the lives of 49,480 people, including 10,000 missing persons under the rubble of destroyed buildings, of whom 39,480 martyrs arrived at hospitals, including 16,314 children and 10,980 women.

The percentage of children and women among the victims reached 69% of the percentage of martyrs.

According to the statement, two million displaced people live a very harsh and difficult life, lacking the means of livelihood and decent living, and dozens of different diseases are spreading among the displaced, the most dangerous of which are polio, viral hepatitis, as well as skin, respiratory and digestive diseases.

The statement affirmed that many diseases caused the number of natural deaths to increase by more than six times the number of natural deaths before the genocide war, as more than 9,000 deaths occurred naturally in the Gaza Strip during the genocide war.

The increase in the number of deaths in this way was due to the worsening of the humanitarian situation due to the genocide war and the spread of diseases, as 91,128 wounded were recorded, and 69% of the victims were children and women.

About 168 shelters were also targeted, and there are 17,000 children living without their parents or without one of them, and 3,500 children are at risk of death due to malnutrition and lack of food. There are 12,000 wounded people who need to travel abroad for treatment, 10,000 cancer patients facing death and needing treatment, and 3,000 patients with various diseases needing treatment abroad.

There are also 1,737,524 people suffering from infectious diseases as a result of displacement, 71,338 cases of viral hepatitis infection due to displacement, 60,000 pregnant women are approximately at risk due to the lack of health care, and 350,000 patients with chronic diseases are at risk due to the prevention of the entry of medicines.

During the genocide war, the Israeli occupation implemented its declared plan to eliminate hundreds of segments of society, killing 885 doctors and medical staff, 79 members of the Civilian Defense, 165 journalists and media professionals, and 107 distinguished scientists, university professors and researchers in the Gaza Strip a criminal, brutal and horrific manner.

The Israeli occupation also destroyed 34 hospitals, burned them and put them out of service, and did not stop there, but rather worked to establish seven mass graves inside hospitals, specifically in the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, Nasser Medical Complex, and Kamal Adwan Hospital, from which 520 martyrs were recovered. Moreover, the occupation targeted 68 health centers and put them out of service, and targeted 131 ambulances.

In light of this bitter reality and the war of extermination, the occupation has taken an official decision to establish the “Sde Teiman” prison, in which and other prisons the occupation have executed more than 35 prisoners who died under severe and deadly torture, out of more than 5,000 male and female prisoners who were kidnapped by the occupation during the war of genocide.

The prisoners are still living a life of death inside the occupation prisons without follow-up from international organizations and bodies charged with pursuing violations inside the prisons. There are 310 cases of arrest of health personnel, and 36 cases of arrest of journalists whose names are known.

Regarding the educational reality in the Gaza Strip, the occupation has deprived more than 39,000 male and female students from taking the high school exams (Tawjihi), and deprived more than 800,000 male and female students from education, as it completely destroyed 117 schools and universities, and partially destroyed 332 schools and universities.

In addition to that, the occupation committed an organized crime by completely destroying 610 mosques and partially 211 mosques, as well as targeting and destroying three churches in the Gaza Strip.

In terms of the housing reality, the Israeli occupation has caused an unprecedented humanitarian disaster in the entire world, as it completely destroyed 150,000 housing units, and 80,000 housing units in a way that is unfit for habitation, in addition to partially damaging 200,000 housing units.

Even archaeological, heritage and sports sites were not spared from the occupation, as it destroyed more than 206 archaeological and heritage sites in an attempt to obliterate Palestinian history and geography that erases its lies and crushes its alleged existence. The occupation also destroyed 34 facilities, stadiums and sports halls.

The electricity networks, sewage networks, water networks and infrastructure in general, as well as road and street networks, were not spared in the war of genocide. The occupation destroyed more than 3,030 longitudinal kilometers of these networks in general, and destroyed them intentionally and according to a well-studied destructive plan.

In addition, the occupation deliberately destroyed 700 water wells and completely put them out of service. Obtaining water in the Gaza Strip has become a very big and difficult issue, and there is deep suffering in obtaining potable water, as well as water designated for domestic use, and this matter worsened the living, humanitarian and health conditions in the Gaza Strip.

The statement pointed out that the deep humanitarian crisis has affected all aspects of life in the Gaza Strip, where the direct initial losses due to the genocidal war have exceeded 33 billion dollars so far, in addition to tens of billions of dollars in indirect losses from this brutal war.