YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa condemns assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh

SANAA, Aug. 01 (YPA)-The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sanaa strongly condemned the assassination of the head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in a Zionist raid that targeted his residence in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

In a statement , the ministry confirmed that the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran once again confirms the Israeli enemy’s violation of international law, all international norms and conventions, and its disregard for the international legal system.


It warned that the continuation of Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, along with the threat to target a number of countries in the region, most notably Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, and Yemen, confirms that the usurping Zionist entity poses a threat to the security of the region and the world and cannot be coexisted with.


It also stressed that the continuation of Israeli aggression against the countries of the region constitutes a blatant threat to international peace and security. Its repercussions will not be limited to the region, as some may imagine, but will certainly reach the capitals of the countries and regimes that support the Zionist entity, potentially developing into a comprehensive war in the Middle East.


The ministry called on the Arab and Islamic countries that are still living in the illusion of seeking normalization with the Israeli enemy to review their positions and not ignore the stance of their peoples, who reject establishing relations with the Israeli enemy, especially after the fall of the false masks and all the arguments and justifications for normalization.


It stressed that such cowardly operations by the Israeli enemy increase the unity and cohesion of the ranks within the resistance axis, leading to more coordinated and violent responses to Israeli actions sooner or later.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also called on the international community, especially America and its allies as permanent members of the Security Council, to assume their responsibilities under the UN Charter and stop their blind and unlimited support for the Zionist entity.


It urged the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to assume responsibility for defending member states against Israeli aggression.


The ministry concluded its statement by emphasizing the firm and supportive position of the Republic of Yemen for the Palestinian cause and the continuation of Yemeni military operations in coordination with the resistance axis to target the interests of the Israeli enemy and its supporters anywhere in the world.

