YEMEN Press Agency

Pezeskhian: Relations between Tehran and Sanaa are strong and inviolable

TEHRAN, July 30 (YPA) – Iran’s President Masoud Pezeskhian, confirmed that Yemeni efforts in supporting and assisting the Palestinian people are extremely significant and have exerted clear pressure on the Zionists and their supporters.

This came during his reception of the head of the Sana’a negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam in Tehran.

The Iranian President praised the Yemeni people’s resistance against pressures and arrogant enemies, saying “it is commendable”.

He expressed hope for expanding cooperation and concerted efforts among all Islamic countries to eliminate the injustice faced by Muslims, affirming that relations between Tehran and Sanaa are strong and inviolable, and that efforts will be made to further strengthen them.

Mohammed Abdulsalam had arrived in Tehran to participate in the inauguration ceremony of Iranian President Masoud Pezeskhian.

Abdulsalam stated in a press statement: “We will participate in the inauguration ceremony [of Masoud Pezeskhian] and hold meetings with the Iranian president and a number of officials in the Islamic Republic”.

He confirmed that “Yemen’s position is clear and explicit against any Zionist aggression on Palestine and Lebanon, Yemen or elsewhere”, emphasizing that “Yemen stands with Lebanon to defend itself against any Zionist aggression.”

