YEMEN Press Agency

Settlement guards targeted in shooting attack near Nablus

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, July 29 (YPA) – Palestinian and Israeli media reported on Monday that Israeli occupation forces stormed the Dhnaaba neighborhood east of Tulkarem. It was also reported that guards at the “Havat Gilad” settlement near Nablus came under gunfire.

Media reports indicated that Palestinians on a vehicle fired shots at the guards of the “Havat Gilad” settlement near Nablus and then withdrew from the scene. No injuries were reported.

On the other hand, a special unit of the Israeli occupation army, using civilian vehicles, raided the Dhnaaba neighborhood east of Tulkarem.

They stormed a house, searched the house, and arrested a young man named Baraa Shahrour.

Moreover, the Israeli occupation forces stormed the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem and closed off the camp’s entrances. After several hours, the forces withdrew from the camp after arresting dozens of Palestinians.

In another development, Israeli forces raided the Ras Khamis neighborhood in the Shuafat Refugee Camp north of Jerusalem and withdrew without any reports of arrests.

