YEMEN Press Agency

UAE sponsors establishment of military base for Israel in Somaliland

SANAA, July 27 (YPA) – Diplomatic sources have revealed that the UAE intends to give Israel a foothold in the Horn of Africa region by sponsoring the establishment of a military base for Tel Aviv in Somaliland.

The sources told “Emirates Leaks” website that the UAE secretly offered to establish a military and intelligence base for the Zionist entity in Somaliland, with Abu Dhabi providing full financial support for that.

According to the sources, Abu Dhabi convinced the local authorities in Somaliland of the necessity of establishing a military base for Israel in exchange for working with Tel Aviv to officially recognize the state of Somaliland.

The UAE’s move comes as part of a plan to invest in the countries overlooking the Gulf of Aden and the Horn of Africa (specifically Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Eritrea), in addition to the ongoing conflict in Yemen to extend influence over the region surrounding the Bab al-Mandab Strait.