YEMEN Press Agency

Southern leader: Presidential Leadership Council created specifically to serve regional powers’ interests

ADEN, July 24 (YPA) – The head of “the Southern Civil Forces Gathering,” Abdulkarim Al-Saadi, emphasized that the Yemeni people are the biggest losers in the pointless battles ignited by regional powers to serve their own interests.

In a series of posts on “X”, Al-Saadi stated: “The truth is that the Yemeni people in the north and the south are the biggest losers in all these pointless battles ignited and extinguished by regional entities whenever their interests dictate.”

He added that the people alone “bear the brunt of these battles and pay the hefty price at the expense of their livelihoods, security, and stability.”

Al-Saadi continued: “Decisions made by the Central Bank in Aden are crucial to the Riyadh Agreement’s Presidential Leadership Council, reducing its role to a mere landfill for waste.”

He pointed out that regional interests created the ” Presidential Leadership Council” with its members sharing loyalty.

He clarified that the ongoing victories of Ansarullah (Houthi forces) will continue to be accompanied by setbacks and disappointments for Saudi-led coalition parties, as they are mere tools awaiting directives and lack the basic ability to make decisions.

