YEMEN Press Agency

Gunmen kill citizen in Abyan

ABYAN, July 16 (YPA) – A citizen was killed on Tuesday by unknown gunmen in Abyan Governorate, which is under the control of the UAE-backed  Southern Transitional Council(STC)’s factions.


Local sources in the governorate reported that two gunmen on a motorcycle, believed to belong to the STC militia targeted  Al-Shayba Ahmed Belaid Al-A’lawi, with a barrage of bullets in the middle of the main street in Ahwar, east of Zinjibar, the governorate’s center.

The sources explained that citizens attempted to take Al-A’lawi to the hospital, but he died on the spot.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators managed to escape to an unknown location amidst the presence of STC checkpoints.

The motive behind the murder remains unclear, according to the sources.

