YEMEN Press Agency

Number of STC leaders leave Aden Airport

ADEN, July 16 (YPA) – A number of leaders in the Southern Transitional Council left Aden Airport on Tuesday, with the expansion of angry protests demanding the disclosure of the fate of the kidnapped and forcibly disappeared Colonel Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani, informed sources said.

It was reported that a number of civilian and military leaders in the UAE-funded factions arrived at Aden Airport on board dozens of armored vehicles and military armored vehicles, after angry demonstrators stormed this afternoon the parade square in Khor Maksar area and crossed the tight security and military barriers to participate in the angry demonstration called for by various southern tribes, in support and assistance to the people of the Abyan tribes, “Million Ashal”.

The sources attributed the leaders’ flight to fear that the angry protests against the transitional council would turn into confrontations in central Aden because of Ashal’s kidnapping since mid-June, amid the participation of families and relatives of the kidnapped and forcibly disappeared people in prisons run by the UAE since 2016 AD.

They indicated that the leaders of the transitional factions bet on dilute the case of Ashal’s kidnapping and disappearance with procrastination, justifications and procrastination to thwart the protest demonstration under the pretext of security breaches.

The angry protesters raised pictures of the kidnapped Ashal and hundreds of others kidnapped and forcibly disappeared in the parade square, demanding their release and the handing over of the bodies of those killed under torture inside prisons and secret detention centers.