YEMEN Press Agency

Young man dies under torture in UAE-backed forces prison after 24 hours of abduction

ADEN, July 12 (YPA) – A young man from the Al-A’qaraba tribe, died inside one of the detention centers run by UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions, just 24 hours after being abducted in Aden, southern Yemen.

Human rights sources in the city reported that the young man, Mashhour Nasr Haider Al-A’qarabi, died after being abducted and tortured by members of the STC in a prison in the Al-Buraiqa area under “mysterious circumstances.”

The sources clarified that Al-A’qarabi’s family refused to receive his body, which was then moved to the Republican Hospital in the city.

The sources also indicated that the Al-Buraiqa Prosecutor’s Office categorically rejected the STC’s request to proceed with burial arrangements until the cause of Al-A’qarabi’s death was disclosed.

It was noted that the STC factions arrested Al-A’qarabi following a dispute between him and a prominent investor in the region with whom he had suspicious business ties.

Meanwhile, the tribes of Abyan continue to demand that the STC factions to reveal the fate of their son, Major Ali Ashaal Al-Jaadani, who has been missing since mid-June amid reports and rumors that he has been eliminated in one of the factions’ secret prisons.

It is worth mentioning that Al-Jaadani, is a commander of one of the air defense battalions in Aden.

