YEMEN Press Agency

UN warns Israel against evacuating Gaza City residents

GAZA, July 11 (YPA) – UN Secretary-General Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric has stated that the Israeli directive for residents of Gaza City to evacuate will exacerbate the collective suffering.

In press statements reported by the Palestinian Information Center on Wednesday evening, Dujarric emphasized the need to protect civilians in Gaza, whether they are forced to flee or remain in their homes.

He described the recent destruction in Gaza amid ongoing ceasefire talks as “shocking.”

Earlier on Wednesday, the Israeli military issued leaflets urging residents of Gaza City to leave their homes and head south via routes they claimed to be safe.

The Palestinian Ministry of Interior in Gaza warned against complying with the psychological pressure and intimidation tactics being employed, asserting that the so-called “safe passages” are in fact pathways to death.

The Ministry highlighted that the Israeli military had circulated images of displaced individuals to deceive and mislead civilians.

It also stated that the leaflets issued by the Israeli military earlier today, calling on Gaza City residents to evacuate southward, are part of a strategy of pressure and psychological warfare against Palestinian civilians.

