YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition drone strike on civilian homes in Taiz draws widespread condemnation

TAIZ, July 10 (YPA) – The drone strike targeting civilian homes in the Sabir Al-Mawadem district of Taiz governorate by Saudi-led coalition forces, which resulted in the death and injury of nine civilians—most of whom were children—has drawn widespread condemnation.

The Human Rights Bureau in Taiz strongly condemned the attack, labeling it a violation of children’s right to life under international laws, norms, and conventions. It described the incident as a war crime that holds its perpetrators accountable.

The bureau noted that this attack comes at a time when efforts are underway to de-escalate tensions and reopen roads to alleviate the suffering of citizens in the governorate. It highlighted that this incident is part of a series of recent crimes committed by the coalition forces.

The bureau held the coalition forces responsible for this heinous act and called on international and local organizations to fulfill their humanitarian responsibilities, monitor these violations, work to halt these crimes, and pursue the perpetrators.

Similarly, the Eye of Humanity Center for Rights and Development condemned the attack, stating that it is part of the ongoing daily crimes and violations perpetrated by the Saudi-led coalition and its forces against the Yemeni people.

