YEMEN Press Agency

Abyan tribes step up against Emirati-backed factions in Aden

ABYAN, July 10 (YPA) – Several tribes of Abyan province, south of Yemen, stepped up on Wednesday its open options against the leadership of the Emirati-backed factions in Aden city.

Al-Jaadna tribes of the province called, in a statement, on the faction to reveal the fate of their son, Ali Abdullah Ashal Al-Jaadani, who has been kidnapped since mid-June by the Director of Abyan Security, Ali Al-Dhib Al-Kazmi, loyal to the Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions in the city.

The statement confirmed that they would implement all open options to manipulate the kidnapping and forced disappearance of Ashal Al-Jaadani.

The statement called also on all the tribes of Abyan and the southern provinces to show the solidarity with the kidnapped Ashal, including politicians, intellectuals, and media professionals, and participate in a peaceful rally in Aden for demanding to reveal the fate of the kidnapped Ashal.