YEMEN Press Agency

Iraqi resistance destroys Zionist target in Haifa

BAGHDAD, July 11 (YPA) – The Islamic Resistance in Iraq destroyed Tuesday a vital Zionist target in the occupied city of Haifa.

The resistance said in a statement said that a number of drones were used in the operation, noting that it came in support of the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip and in response to the massacres usurping entity’s committing against Palestinian civilians, including children, women and the elderly.

The statement indicated that “the resistance will continue to destroy enemy strongholds until the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip is stopped.”

On other hand, the resistance published scenes of launching drones towards a vital target in Umm al-Rashrash, (known as Eilat), southern occupied Palestine.

These operations come only hours after the resistance announced that it carried out a military operation against a vital target in the occupied Umm al-Rashrash, in cooperation with the Yemeni armed forces.