YEMEN Press Agency

Mass rallies held across Yemen in support of Gaza

SANAA, July 05 (YPA) -The capital, Sanaa, and other Yemeni provinces witnessed on Friday afternoon massive rallies in support of the Palestinian people, under the title “With Gaza… The Support Fronts, Steadfastness and Jihad”.

A statement was issued during the rallies, saluting the steadfastness of the sacrificing, patient, and oppressed Palestinian people and fighters.

It reaffirmed the Yemeni stance in support of Palestine, condemned the genocide, and condemned the use of siege and starvation as weapons.

The rallies’ statement criticized the fact that some Arab organizations and regimes classify resistance fighters as “terrorists,” and they commended the student movements in American and European universities, amidst repression and injustice.

It affirmed the Yemeni right to take all necessary measures to confront the American plots in the region, including some countries allowing the use of their airspace for American attacks.

The statement renewed the people’s confidence in the leadership “take all options and confront the aggressive measures taken by the Saudi regime that harm the interests of our country and people.”

It also commended Hezbollah’s ongoing, effective, and escalating qualitative operations, as well as the military operations of the Iraqi Islamic resistance and the joint operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces with the Iraqi Islamic resistance.

It stated: “Unfortunately, the role of some Arab regimes and armies has shifted to defending the Israeli enemy by intercepting Yemeni missiles and drones supporting Palestine.”

The statement  called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to assume their responsibilities towards what is happening in Gaza and to activate the comprehensive economic boycott of the enemies.

