YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Qassam Brigades eliminate 10 Zionist soldiers in Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood

GAZA, July 05 (YPA) – The Al-Qassam Brigades said that they had carried out a complex operation against the Israeli occupation forces in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood in the Gaza Strip.

“After returning from the combat lines, our fighters reported that yesterday they eliminated 10 Zionist soldiers in a complex operation east of Al-Nazaz Street in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood of Gaza City,” Al-Qassam Brigades said in a statement on Friday.

Al-Qassam fighters targeted a building where a Zionist force was fortified with a TBG shell, then advanced towards the targeted building and eliminated the remaining members of the force at close range, according to the statement.

During their withdrawal, Al-Qassam fighters  detonated an explosive device inside the building. Subsequently, helicopter aviation intervened to evacuate the dead and injured soldiers, the statement read.

