YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist settlers burn lands, property of citizens in south of Jenin

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, July 04 (YPA) – Zionist settlers, on Thursday, burned lands and property of citizens in the towns of Al-Fandakumiyah and Sailat Al-Dhahar south of Jenin in the West Bank.

Local sources reported that dozens of settlers attacked the homes and property of citizens in Al-Fandakumiya and Sailat Al-Dhahr, and set fire to large areas of land planted with olive trees and fruit trees.

They also burned a house and a vehicle belonging to the citizen, Amid Hussein Qararieh, attacked neighboring houses, and fired live bullets at homes and threw stones at them.

The sources explained that the occupation forces stormed the town, and fired tear gas bombs against citizens who came to defend their homes and extinguish the fires.