YEMEN Press Agency

UAE forces kidnap senior official in Socotra

SOCOTRA, July 01 (YPA) – The UAE forces kidnapped on Monday the head of the Preparatory Committee for the Socotra National Conference, Sheikh Ali Amer Saad, in the city of Hadibu, the center of the Socotra province.

Sources familiar with the matter on the island said that several gunmen belonging to the UAE-backed factions kidnapped the Sheikh Ali Amer Saad and took him to Al-Shamil Prison in Hadibu, which is run by a number of Emirati officers, led by Abu Khaled Al-Shamsi.

The sources confirmed that the Emirati officers directed the so-called Zayed Muhammad Salem to pursue the members of the preparatory committee for the “Socotra National Conference,” which is supported by Saudi Arabia, after a meeting held in Al-Shamel Prison.

This comes after the announcement last Thursday in the city of Hadibu of the “Preparatory Committee for the Socotra National Conference” in the presence of a large number of tribal sheikhs, political and academic figures from various areas and centers of the archipelago.

The preparatory committee pointed out that the conference aimd to Socorta people be untied to defend Socotra’s interests and to demand Socotra’s legitimate rights guaranteed by the constitution and law following the UAE’s overthrow of the Islah-affiliated Sheikh of Socotra, Bin Yaqut.