YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-coalition militants impose levies on travelers in Taiz

TAIZ, July 01 (YPA) – A document revealed that armed groups affiliated with Saudi-led coalition forces in Taiz have established new extortion checkpoints near Al-Qasr roundabout in the city center, which is under control of coalition and was recently reopened.

The armed groups are forcibly demanding money from vehicle drivers, the document said.

According to a memorandum from the Transport Office of pro-coalition government in Taiz, armed individuals believed to belonging to Taiz axis, have been imposing levies and taxes on passenger vehicles traveling from villages and rural areas of Taiz city to destinations outside the city, particularly in Hawdh Al-A’shraf area.

The memorandum clarifies that the Transport Office received complaints from vehicle drivers who reported being coerced by these groups to pay an amount of 5,000 Yemeni riyals.

“Those who refuse are reportedly stopped by these armed groups, who disembark passengers and prevent vehicles from passing.”

The memorandum also indicated that these groups are using unofficial and unlawful documents as a cover for imposing these levies.

The Transport Office called for the immediate actions against these armed groups.

According to complaints from residents of Taiz, these illegal checkpoints were previously present along the “Al-Aqrudh” road and had disappeared with the reopening of the Al-Hoban-Al-Madina road, which connects areas under coalition’s control with those under Sanaa’s authority, before the Eid al-Adha holiday. However, they have reappeared recently.

