YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni fishermen return to Hodeida after ten days of Eritrean detention

HODEIDA, June 30 (YPA) – A total of 23 fishermen returned to the fishing port in Hodeida after more than ten days of abduction and torture in Eritrean prisons.

Upon their reception, attended by the port director, Mohammed Al-Tawil, the fishermen explained that Eritrean naval patrols abducted them while they were fishing in Yemeni territorial waters aboard three ‘Jabha’ boats on the second day of Eid al-Adha.

They stated that the Eritrean authorities released them along with other fishermen returning to Al-Khawkha city, after seizing their belongings and fishing equipment, and subjecting them to various forms of torture, forcing them to perform hard labor under hunger and mistreatment.

