YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah targets Zionist air defense base at Beira barracks

BEIRUT, June 28 (YPA) – The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, confirmed  on Thursday, it had targeted  the main missile defense base of the Zionist enemy’s northern command, located in the “Beria” barracks, with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted the main air defense missile base of the Northern Command in the “Beria” barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the “Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the city of Nabatiyeh and the town of Sohmor,” Hezbollah said in a statement .

Meanwhile, Zionist media outlets reported power outages in the city of Safed following the recent rocket salvo.

They mentioned that about 40 rockets were launched in the recent salvo towards the Safed area, resulting in injuries and power outages across the city according to initial reports.

They also indicated that smoke was seen rising in the Beria, Safed, and Ein Zeitim, with a fire breaking out and power being cut off in the settlement of Beria  after the recent rocket salvo.

Zionist media noted that this was “the heaviest rocket salvo launched towards the north in weeks.

