YEMEN Press Agency

STC militia storm school in Aden

ADEN, June 25 (YPA) – Militiamen affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council  (STC) stormed one of the schools in Crater district in Aden province, southern Yemen, local sources reported on Monday.

According to the sources, the militiamen stormed the “Rashid” school, after they received instructions by one of the STC’s leaders, in search of the school’s owner to arrest him, due to disputes between the owner and the director of Sheikh Othman district.

The sources stated that the militiamen who stormed the school deliberately damaged furniture and property inside the school before leaving, after confirming that the wanted person was not there.

They indicated that there have been disputes between the school’s owner and the director of Sheikh Othman district for approximately two years, during which the latter attempted to prevent the former from investing in establishing a fish market in Sheikh Othman, as part of the STC’s leaders’ efforts to monopolize investments in Aden.

Aden and other areas, which are under control of Saudi-led coalition are witnessing a state of chaos in which the latest victim was an American citizen who was assassinated this morning inside his home in Aden.
