YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni armed forces target two ships for violating ban entry into occupied Palestine ports

SANAA, June 23 (YPA) – The Yemeni armed forces targeted on Sunday two ships in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, in support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in response to the massacres of the Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip.

The armed forces explained in a statement issued this evening, the third in less than 24 hours, that the Navy carried out an operation against the “Transworld Navigator” ship in the Red Sea with a drone boat, which led to the ship being directly hit.

The statement indicated that the missile force targeted the ship “STOLT SEQUOIA” in the Indian Ocean with a number of winged missiles, and ”the operation successfully achieved its goals.”

The armed forces stated that the targeting of the two ships came because the companies that owned them violated the decision to ban entry into the ports of occupied Palestine.

The armed forces renewed their warning to all companies continuing to do business with the Israeli occupation through maritime shipping that their ships would be directly targeted in the area of operations of the Yemeni armed forces, regardless of their destination.

In the statement, the armed forces praised the companies that stopped shipping operations to the ports of occupied Palestine and dealt positively with what was stated in the previous statements, stressing that their operations would continue until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.