YEMEN Press Agency

Several Israeli soldiers killed in drone attack on Beit Hilal barracks

BEIRUT, June 23 (YPA) – A number of the Israeli occupation soldiers were killed and injured in a drone attack launched by the Lebanese Hezbollah on the headquarters of the Al-Sahel Battalion in the Beit Hilal barracks.

The party affirmed in a statement that its fighters targeted the locations and settlements of its officers and soldiers.

The statement said a retaliatory attack came in response to the assassination carried out by the Israeli enemy against a Hezbollah leader in the town of Al-Khayara, eastern Lebanon.

Earlier, Hezbollah’s military media published a video clip showing several vital, strategic and military targets inside the Israeli depth, in which it indicated that “the targets are known only to the Israeli security system.

The video showed oil refineries in Haifa and vital places there, Ben Gurion Airport, Ashdod Port, Haifa Port, military satellite bases and military bases in the Negev and Galilee.