YEMEN Press Agency

Thousands rally in German to denounce Israeli genocidal war in Gaza

BARLIN, June 22 (YPA) – Thousands of members of the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic communities in the German city of Bremen organized a mass rally to support the Palestinian people.

In the rally, the protesters denounced the continued massacres and genocidal war that the Israeli occupation forces’ committing in the Gaza Strip.

Palestine’s Wafa News Agency reported that the participants raised the Palestinian flag and banners demanding the necessity of stopping the Zionist aggression and holding the occupation accountable for the war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Samer Bilal Aslan, the head of the Palestinian community in Bremen city of and its environs, called on the German government to stop providing support and military equipment that help in killing the Palestinian people, especially children, women, and the elderly.

He appealed to the international community, the United Nations and humanitarian organizations to provide relief to the Palestinian people who are exposed to real famine, especially in the northern Gaza Strip for the 260th straight day.