YEMEN Press Agency

Abdulsalam calls on international community to speak up against US

SANAA, June 18 (YPA) – The head of the National Delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, has called on the international community to break their silence and speak out against the United States for its support of Israeli actions in Gaza, which he described as “savage and bloody terrorism.”

In a post on his  X platform on Monday, Abdulsalam stated that American support for Israel’s “crimes of the century” in Gaza represents real terrorism, posing a danger to global security and a serious threat to world peace.

He affirmed that Yemen’s naval operations are a stance in support of the victims facing the American and Israeli aggressors.

Abdulsalam emphasized that American terrorism is contributing to global chaos but asserted that it will not be able to subdue free nations and peoples who are ready for confrontation and committed to the ideals of liberation and independence.
