YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-UAE factions threatens to erupt fight in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, June 14 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has vowed to escalate the conflict in Hadramout province, eastern Yemen.

This coincides with Saudi arrangements to invade STC’s last stronghold in the oil-rich province.

The STC’s branch in Hadramout issued a statement Friday rejecting the deployment of the so-called “Dera Al-Watan“ factions loyal to Saudi Arabia in Mukalla city, indicating that its forces are ready to control the valley and desert of Hadramout, in reference to the areas under the control of the factions loyal to Riyadh.

The STC threat came on the eve of the mobilization of the Dera Al-Watan forces to be deployed in Mukalla.

According to informed sources, the forces expected to arrive aim to protect Rashad Al-Alimi, President of the Leadership Council loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, who is preparing to move to Hadramout as the crisis escalates with the STC in Aden.