YEMEN Press Agency

Five people killed, 10 injured in bomb attack in Lahj

LAHJ, June 14 (YPA) -At least five people were killed and ten others injured when an armed man threw a grenade at a passenger bus in Lahij province.

According to local sources, the incident took place in the Maqatirah district. The assailant, identified as Mohammed Al-Tarshi, threw a grenade at the bus on the Haija Al-Abd road following a verbal altercation with the passengers.

The sources indicated that Al-Tarshi attempted to use a Kalashnikov. After attempts to stop him, he detonated a hand grenade, resulting in his own death and the deaths of five others, as well as injuring ten people, including travelers and local residents who tried to intervene.

The sources also noted that Al-Tarshi had a history of causing problems with local residents and was wanted by the district’s security forces.
