YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa confirms Washington’s failure to protect Israel’s ships

SANAA, June 13 (YPA) – Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, confirmed that Yemen’s position through its supportive operations in Gaza has brought America to the point of impotence and failure to protection for Israeli interests and its navigational movement in the Red Sea.

This came in a weekly speech that he made on Thursday to talk about the latest developments in the region.

Sayyed Abdul Malik indicated that “Israel bitterly expresses America’s failure to make a promise to protect its ships and the ships associated with it.”

“The American is very upset, angry, agitated and also confused, and it is seeking to implicate others, because all its steps have done nothing to put pressure on the Yemeni position, stressing that the American ships, including Eisenhower, fled and reached the edge of the Red Sea.

He pointed out that America, along with Britain, is constantly seeking to put pressure on Yemen’s position through assaults and air attacks, stressing that the number of American-British air raids on Yemen this week have reached 22 raids on the provinces of Hodeida, Sanaa, and Rayma.

“The American-British raids on the government complex in Al-Jabayn district of Raymah province have killed two and wounded 9 others,” Sayyed al-Houthi added. “The targeted place is neither a missile base nor a military site, but rather a civilian administrative complex.”

The leader Al-Houthi revealed that the Yemeni armed forces carried out 11 military operations during the current week, using 31 ballistic and winged missiles, drones, and military boats, including a number of winged missiles and drones targeted important targets of the Zionist enemy in the occupied soil of Palestine.

He announced that about 145 ships linked to the Israeli, American and British enemy have been targeted since the start of the Yemeni operations, the last of which was the ship that was targeted yesterday and taking sinking.

Sayyed al-Houthi noted the intense activity in the process of military development at the technical and tactical levels for more effectiveness, which enables us to exceed the capabilities of enemies in particular to intercept, pointing to Yemen’s intensive development trend at the information level.