YEMEN Press Agency

WHO: 32 deaths as a result of malnutrition in Gaza

GAZA, June 12 (YPA) – Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros AdhaNom Ghebreyesus, stated that the organization documented 32 deaths in Gaza as a result of malnutrition, including 28 cases of children under the age of five.

Ghebreyesus said in a statement on Wednesday: “Since October 7, we have documented 480 attacks on health facilities in the West Bank, resulting in 16 deaths and 95 injuries”.

In turn, the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip warned that hospitals, health centers, and the only oxygen station in northern Gaza City have stopped, due to the continued control and closure of the crossings by the Zionist enemy army.

The ministry said in a statement: “In light of the continuing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip and its control over the crossings, we warn against the cessation of hospitals, health centers, and the only oxygen station in Gaza”.

“Ceasing to work is a threat to the lives of dozens from the sick and wounded to certain death”, the ministry added.