YEMEN Press Agency

Norway: Israeli attacks against UNRWA are unacceptable

SANAA, June 12 (YPA) – Norway said that the Israeli attacks against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) are unacceptable, reiterating its country’s support for the agency.

This came in a post on the account of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the X platform, which included statements by International Development Minister Anne Beth Tevenrim regarding UNRWA.

During its devastating war on Gaza since October 2023, “Israel” has launched attacks on UNRWA headquarters and facilities, including schools housing displaced Palestinians, causing the commission of massacres.

In her statements, Tevenrim reported that she met with UNRWA Commissioner Philippe Lazzarini during the response conference of Emergency Humanitarian Affairs for Gaza, hosted by Jordan, on Tuesday.

She reaffirmed Norway’s support for the UN agency and expressed her sadness over the killing of UNRWA employees in Gaza, saying: “Attacks against the agency are unacceptable, facilities of Humanitarian aid and their workers are protected under international law”.