YEMEN Press Agency

Several employees working in UN organizations arrested in Sanaa

SANAA, June 10 (YPA) – Member of the political bureau of Ansarullah, Hizam al-Assad revealed on Monday affirmed on Monday the security services in Sanaa had arrested a number of employees working in international organizations.

“The enemy is trying to pre-empt the announcement of the major security achievement by talking about the arrest of United Nations employees, which may reveal the extent of international involvement in conspiring against Yemen for the benefit of America, Britain, and the Israeli entity,” Hizam al-Assad said on X.

Al-Assad called on the United Nations organizations involved to resort to the Yemeni judiciary if they were truly serious in defending their implicated members.

This comes after the Supreme Security Committee discussed, in its meeting on Monday in the capital Sanaa, the final arrangements for declaring a major security victory.

The committee appreciated the efforts made by the security services and honorable citizens who had a prominent role in making this security achievement.