YEMEN Press Agency

Kamalvandi: Iran will not back down from its inalienable rights in the face of political pressures

TEHRAN, June 06 (YPA) – Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi has said that the Islamic Republic will not back down from its inalienable rights in the face of political pressures, calling on Western countries to “take the path of interaction and cooperation”.

Kamalvandi made the comment on Wednesday after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors passed a resolution against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, which was proposed by the three European countries of France, the UK and Germany.

“Western countries are expected to take the path of interaction and cooperation, instead of misusing international organizations and exerting pressure”, Kamalvandi said in a statement to IRNA, adding that those countries should know from the past experiences that Iran will not back down from its inalienable rights in the face of political pressures.

