YEMEN Press Agency

Minister: Yemeni people will not stand idly by siege of Sanaa Airport

SANAA, June 06 (YPA) – A minister in the Sanaa government confirmed on Wednesday that the Yemeni people will not stand idly by the recent escalation represented in imposing the siege on Sanaa International Airport.

The Minister of State and Secretary-General of the Social Nationalist Party, Abdulaziz Al-Bakir, said, “Sanaa refuses to compromise on its honorable position with the Palestinian people in Gaza and Rafah, which is supported by the free people of the world.”

Al-Bakir added in a post on the “X” platform that Sanaa’s positions “made the enemies direct their tails to re-impose a siege on Sanaa airport to deprive the Yemeni people of traveling to the only destination, Jordan.”

He considered the re-imposition of the siege on Sanaa Airport a violation of all international laws and norms, stressing that Sanaa will not stand idly by towards that.

This comes after the Ministry of Transport condemned earlier today the suspension of flights to the only destination “Sanaa-Amman-Sanaa” since the beginning of June, considering stopping flights by the Saudi-led coalition “a criminal act.”