YEMEN Press Agency

Tribal sheikh kidnapped in Mocha

TAIZ, June 04 (YPA) – The UAE-funded forces of Tariq Afash, an nephew of the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, kidnapped on Monday one of the tribal sheikhs of Tihama in the city of Mocha, west of Taiz province.

Local sources familiar with the matter said reported the tribal sheikh Ali Salem Haider Al-Mashuli was arrested from the city of Al-Mokha by elements belonging to Afash forces and took him to one of the notorious prisons in the Abu Musa Al-Ashari camp in Al-Khokha area.

This came s after the Afash forces dismissed Abdullah Al-Ajam, who was impersonating the rank of “first lieutenant” from the so-called First Brigade Zaranig” factions, due to disclosing the violations and the killing against the abductee inside the Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari camp prison at the end of last March.