YEMEN Press Agency

Humanitarian center documents 700 US crimes committed against Yemeni people

HODEIDA, June 04 (YPA) – Ahmed Abu Hamra, the head of Humanitarian Eye Center for Rights and Development, confirmed that the center documented 700 distinct US crimes against the Yemeni people, similar to what is happening in the Gaza Strip.

During a press conference held on Monday on the rubble of the Hodeida Radio building, which was bombed by the American-British aggression, Abu Hamra pointed out that Hodeida province is one of the most affected provinces by the crimes documented by the center during years of the aggressive coalition war.

He affirmed that these crimes are committed by America and its allies.

Abu Hamra called on the United Nations organizations and international organizations concerned with human rights and the protection of journalists and media workers to play a humanitarian role in condemning the crimes and demanding the prosecution of their perpetrators.

