YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist occupation forces arrest journalist Rasha Harzallah in Nablus

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, June 02 (YPA) – Israeli occupation forces arrested on Sunday journalist Rasha Harzallah from the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank, after summoning her to meet with Israeli intelligence.

Family sources reported that the occupation forces summoned journalist Harzallah for investigation at a detention center in the Ariel settlement near Ramallah, where she went there with a lawyer, and upon their arrival, she was informed of her detention for 72 hours, without knowing the reasons or bringing any charges.

Journalist Harzallah works for the Palestinian News and Information Agency “Wafa”, and she is the sister of the martyr leader of the Lions’ Den group in Nablus, Muhammad Harzallah “Abu Hamdi”.

Arrest campaigns against Palestinian journalists have escalated since the outbreak of the war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, as the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club monitored the arrest of 80 journalists, including female journalists, and kept 49 of them detained.