YEMEN Press Agency

Algeria proposes UNSC resolution demanding “Israel” to halt aggression in Rafah

WORLD, May 29 (YPA) – In a closed-door meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Algeria presented a draft resolution calling for an immediate cessation of Israeli aggression in the city of Rafah, located in the southern Gaza Strip.

Algeria’s UN Ambassador, Ammar Benjamaa, described the text as “short and decisive,” aiming to stop the killings in Rafah.

The draft resolution demands an immediate ceasefire and the unconditional release of all hostages. Benjamaa condemned the Israeli airstrikes on refugee tents in Rafah, which resulted in the death of over 45 Palestinian civilians, including women and children.

He highlighted that these attacks occurred just 48 hours after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an order demanding that the occupying power cease its attack on Rafah.

Benjamaa emphasized that the court’s order is legally binding and that the occupier is obligated under the UN Charter, including Article 94/1, to comply with its decisions in any dispute in which it is involved.

He added that the Security Council is responsible under the same charter to make recommendations or decide on measures to implement the court’s ruling and must now ensure the respect for international legality.

Benjamaaurged UNSC members to take responsibility for addressing the Israeli occupation, which chose to respond to the ICJ with bloodshed, stressing that Israel should not be an exception.

He further questioned if the UN’s founding fathers granted Israel an exemption to choose whether or not to accept the court’s rulings.

This session marks the first action by the UNSC since the Israeli airstrikes on refugee tents in Rafah.  Algeria plans to follow this meeting with additional initiatives at the Security Council level.