YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen’s armed forces attack US’s military ships in Red Sea

SANAA, May 27 (YPA) – Yemen’s armed forces announced on Monday it had targeted several US’s commercial and military ships.

The military spokesmen Brigadier General, Yahiya Sarie, said in a military statement that the Yemeni naval forces in a cooperation with the missile force accurately targeted three ships and two US destroyers with a number of ballistic missiles and drones.

“The US ship ‘LAREGO DESERT’ and the Israeli ship ‘MSC MECHELA’ were hit in the Indian Ocean, while the ‘MINERVALISA’ ship was attacked in the Red Sea, after being violated the decision to ban entry to the ports of occupied Palestine,” he added.

Sarie pointed out that the two American war destroyers were targeted several dronesin the Red Sea, and the operations successfully achieved their goals.

The spokesman said that the operations came in a triumph of the oppressed Palestinian people and in a retaliatory response to the American-British aggression against Yemen.

He affirmed that the Yemeni armed forces confirmed that they will continue until the aggression on the Palestine people in Gaza is stopped and the siege is lifted.