YEMEN Press Agency

Abductee dead body found in Shabwa

SHABWA, May 26 (YPA) – Citizens have on Sunday found one of the abductees dead body with signs of torture in the Shabwa province, which is under the control of Emirati factions.

Eyewitnesses reported that citizens found the body of the abductee, Ali Al-Marzouqi, three days after his abduction in the center of Ataq city, the provincial capital, near the Sa’id district junction, with signs of torture on his body

They suggested that Al-Marzouqi was killed as a result of brutal torture following his abduction along with the son of the tribal sheikh Al-Ajar in the middle of last week.

They confirmed that Al-Marzouqi’s family accuses forces loyal to the UAE of being behind the abduction incident and the killing of their son, while the fate of Sheikh Al-Ajar’s son remains unknown after Al-Marzouqi was found dead from torture.

Tension prevailed in the Al-Sawda area near Ataq last week between “Shabwa Defense” and tribal gunmen after the later demanded  the release of Al-Ajar’s son and Al-Marzouqi, who were abducted by “Shabwa Defense Force.”