YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa welcomes ICJ’s decision binding Zionist entity to stop military attack

SANAA, May 25 (YPA) – The Ministry of Human Rights of the Sanaa government welcomed on Friday the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) binding the Zionist entity to stop the military attack or any other actions in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

The court’s decision also emphasized the necessity of keeping the Rafah crossing open to enable the entry of humanitarian aid into the Strip.

In a statement, the Ministry of Human Rights considered this decision a step in the right direction.

The ministry stressed that the orders of the ICJ, as the main judicial body of the United Nations, are legally binding and that the Zionist entity must comply with the decision to stop the invasion of Rafah.

The statement pointed out that the resolution strengthens the legitimacy of the Palestinian resistance in the face of the Israeli occupation, affirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, and exposes Israel’s claims regarding its right to self-defense.

The Ministry of Human Rights called for practical international pressure on the entity to stop its aggressive settlement policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.